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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-19 01:24:14 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”征文“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Essay。以下是关于征文的高二英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。



Hansen, I will come to you, my love swears again, if I let you go, I swear again, if I let you go again, I will put my love on you, wingless flying residential girl pop pop pop baby back street boy as long as you love me, tell me the meaning of loneliness everyone: we will shake you again yesterday, forever Westlife dream come true Live world we write our own starry sky numb forest Gold Park Westlife with you everywhere for your perfect fans love me for a rational boy area westlifeboy http://zhidaobaiducom/question/htmlfr=qrl3.




The Importance of Learning English


In today's globalized world English has become the universal language of communication. It is the language of international business diplomacy science and technology. Therefore learning English is essential for anyone who wants to succeed in the modern world.


In addition learning English opens up many opportunities. It enables individuals to communicate with people from different countries and cultures and broadens their horizons. Moreover knowing English can enhance career prospects and increase earning potential.


Furthermore learning English can also improve cognitive abilities. Studies have shown that individuals who are bilingual or multi-lingual have better problem-solving skills creativity and memory retention.


In conclusion learning English is essential in today's world. It opens up opportunities enhances career prospects and improves cognitive abilities. Therefore everyone should make an effort to learn this vital language.



Every class in our school has its own literary community. Recently, a short story writing competition was held in senior two. As a result, many articles stood out.

They were selected to show their stories. Some students drew a story. One student boldly wrote a story and commented on the most sensitive topic of middle school students.

It was written by a large number of people, especially those who were The elder thought that it was no good to give up this point, but I did not agree with another student who made a sharp remark. In his own story, he criticized the most unreasonable phenomenon he encountered: I once met a poor old woman who was driven out of the house by her daughter-in-law because she had no income to support herself. The daughter-in-law thought that her children would do the same when she was old How cruel and cruel it is to treat her like this, what will happen to her and how she will feel.

Students express themselves freely, expressing feelings of love, hate and jealousy. ③ In their stories, we are not mature. We have learned to observe problems with our own eyes and solve problems by ourselves.

We are on the way to maturity. We are not only eager to understand the society, but also want to be understood. ① comment (K & ment) v.

② sensitivity [sensitivity] a. ③ jealousy [dnel Si] n. ④ observation [BZ: v] v..


我们学校每一个班级都有自己的文学社团最近在高二举行了一次短篇小说创作比赛,结果是许多文章脱颖而出,他们被挑选出来展出他们的故事,一些学生画的一个学生大胆地写了一个故事,对中学生最敏感的话题进行了评论写着:一个大有一部分人,尤其是那些长辈,认为应该放弃这一点没有任何好处,但我不同意另一个学生做了一个尖锐的他在自己的故事中对他所遇到的最不合理的现象提出了批评:我曾经遇到一个可怜的老妇人,她因为没有收入养活自己而被儿媳赶出了家门,儿媳以为自己的孩子在她老了以后也会这样对待她,这是多么残忍和冷酷,她会发生什么事,她会有什么感受。学生们自由地表达自己,表达爱、恨、妒的情绪。③在他们的故事里,我们还不成熟,我们学会了用自己的眼睛观察问题,也学会了自己解决问题,我们正在走向成熟的道路上,我们不仅渴望了解社会,而且也希望被人理解①评论(k&ment)v.②敏感[敏感]a.③嫉妒[dNel si]n.④观察[bz:v]v。

