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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-19 04:24:17 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”手表丢了“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:I lost my watch。以下是关于手表丢了的六年级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

关于”手表丢了“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:I lost my watch。以下是关于手表丢了的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

关于”手表丢了“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:I lost my watch。以下是关于手表丢了的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:I lost my watch

My friend I have a best friend whose name is that we usually go to school together. One day I lost my watch in the afternoon. It was very expensive.

I think she stole my watch. I didn't talk to her for two days. The day after tomorrow, I found my watch on my desk and we became good friends.




I bought a watch today as a gift from my mother. It's very beautiful. I put it on the table beside my bed.

Thank my mother because she knows my favorite color is yellow. It goes around all day without rest. I regard it as my friend.

As long as I see it, I will smile. Maybe everything has a different side. I like it because it tells me what time is.

Now there is a period of time for me I don't want to wake me up because I want to sleep more.




A girl lost her favorite watch. She was so upset that she even got sick. When she was ill, the minister came to see her and asked her, "if one day you accidentally dropped $100000, would you have dropped another 200000?" The girl replied, "of course not," father gxtibk said again, "if so, why do you lose two weeks of happiness and two weeks of health after losing your watch?" The girl suddenly woke up and jumped out of bed.

"You are right. From today on, I refuse to lose more than I have done. I will earn the money I need to buy myself another watch." 3R @, F HC life is full of victory and failure, but also full of challenges.

If you lose, if you live for yourself, if some people refuse to accept the fact and refuse to start again, they will lose more and more things in their life. If you lose something in life now, they will not be able to recover everything they have lost. Don't continue to let yourself lose more resistance than you did Don't be afraid to start with chaos.


一个女孩丢了她最喜欢的手表,她很不高兴,她甚至因此生病了。她生病的时候牧师来看她,问她:“如果有一天你不小心掉了10万美元,你会不会又掉了20万美元呢?”女孩回答说,“当然不是,”神父GXtIBk再次说道,“如果是这样的话,你为什么在丢了手表后让自己失去了两周的快乐,又让自己失去了两周的健康。”女孩突然醒悟了,从床上跳了起来,“你说得对,从今天开始,我拒绝失去比我做的更多的事情,我会赚回我需要的钱给自己买另一块手表”3r@,f Hc生活充满了胜利和失败,也充满了挑战,如果你输了,如果你为自己而活,如果有些人拒绝接受事实,拒绝重新开始,那么他们就会在生活中失去越来越多的东西,如果你现在在生活中失去了什么,他们将无法挽回失去的一切,不要继续让自己失去比你所做的阻止这种情况更多的损失,不要害怕从混乱开始。

