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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-19 04:29:53 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”love爱情“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:Love。以下是关于love爱情的考研英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。




Love and friendship Emily Bronte love is like a wild rose friendship is like an holly tree when the rose is in full bloom, the holly is dark, but it will bloom most often the rose is sweet in spring, its summer flowers send out the fragrance of the air however, when winter comes again, who will call the wild grass fair? Now dese that stupid rose ring and decorate you with the glory of holly In this way, when December destroys your forehead, he can still leave your garland*.


爱情和友谊 艾米莉·勃朗特 爱情就像野蔷薇 友谊像冬青树 蔷薇盛开时冬青是黑暗的, 但它会最常盛开 野蔷薇在春天是甜美的, 它的夏天的花朵散发着空气的芬芳 然而等到冬天再次来临, 谁会叫野草博览会呢,现在鄙视那愚蠢的玫瑰花环,用冬青的光辉装饰你,这样,当xx月摧残你的额头时,他仍然可以留下你的花环*。


At lunch the next day, there was a delicious pie, crayfish and mutton slices. While we were having dinner, chef nicarno came up and asked the guests what they wanted for dinner. He is a man of medium height, with a puffy face and small eyes.

He is shaved very close. It seems that his beard has not been shaved, but has been pulled out. Alexin tells us that beautiful pelagic fell in love with this cook because he drinks and has a bad temper.

She doesn't want to marry him, but she is willing to live with him. He is very religious and his family Religion did not allow him to live in sin. He insisted that she marry him and did not agree to anything else.

When he was drunk, he often abused her and even beat her as soon as he was drunk. She often hid upstairs and cried. In this case, alexin and the servants stayed in the house, ready to defend her if necessary.




People always joke that love has nothing to do with age, weight or height, but it is normal for an older man to fall in love with a young girl. In my opinion, it is criticized that an older woman falls in love with a little boy. In front of two lovers, love is equal.

They applaud the older man who married a young girl because they think this man is like this This ability, they accept that love has nothing to do with age, when women encounter this situation, people will look down on their relationship, say that their relationship is very bad. It seems that love is related to age. There are so many couples who show a good example that women can marry someone younger than themselves and they live happily.

On the contrary, the marriage rate of young people is very high, but the media only reported the former situation, which puts pressure on women. There is no doubt that true love happens when a couple really love each other. Age is not a problem.




