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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-19 07:35:12 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”二考什么类型“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:What's the type of test 2。以下是关于二考什么类型的九年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

关于”二考什么类型“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:What's the type of test 2。以下是关于二考什么类型的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

关于”二考什么类型“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:What's the type of test 2。以下是关于二考什么类型的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:What's the type of test 2

Well, I really don't understand what your requirements are, but I try to show two types of customer service level in this table. Type a only increases in the year, while type B increases in the middle of the year. Obviously, we can see that both have produced good results, but due to the upgrading within one year.




How to keep healthy the most important thing in the world is health. You can take our money, our house, our car, even our clothes. We can survive, but if our health is deprived, we will surely die.

That's why we always try to eat in a healthy way and exercise regularly in order to eat healthily. I usually avoid high-fat food, such as I also rarely eat meat. I eat a lot of vegetables and fresh fruit.

It's rich in vitamins. Exercise every day helps us build a strong body. Regular exercise is an important part of keeping me healthy.

Also, I think friends are an important part of one's health. Many studies have shown that people with extensive social connections are more likely to be ill than those who are not Less. I feel better with my friends than when I'm alone with my friends.

I always laugh. Laughter is an important part of health. I like to laugh with my friends.

Through proper diet and regular exercise, I can keep my weight and health. With my friends, I can keep my mind and my body happy. These things sound like It's easy to do, but not many people can do it.

I think a strong will is necessary if we want to keep healthy.




Type widely (generally) accepted (held) + a widely accepted (generally) held viewpoint (viewpoint, viewpoint, hypothesis) is + NP A / dominant (universal, popular) idea (see is NP / to do this is taken for granted + i.e. (or: we often / often take it for granted) people (most of them) seem to be used to this idea (no doubt, people would like to think of NP1 as NP2 / adj people are willing to do it, although they are not willing to do the second type, but this idea (see whether it is not entirely an adjective, need to be carefully considered adjective = unreasonable, unacceptable, inappropriate, inappropriate, undesirable, etc adjective 2 = misleading, doubting, etc. in fact, this (it) is not (completely, necessarily) situation, when necessary) needs to consider the situation and need SC In addition, on the other hand, on the other hand, for one thing to another, first of all, in short, for example, for example (general terms) such as (specific terms) typical (eye-catching) examples are, however, on the contrary If, the condition is, unless, as long as, as long as, as far as the current situation is concerned, the situation is far from satisfactory (or: the problem is still unsolved and the improvement is very little) as the recent research (survey) points out (showing, revealing, indicating that people are increasingly worried about + NP), this will inevitably happen (may) lead to (lead to) unnecessary (serious) consequences (or NP); unfortunately, we cannot bear the risk of ignoring the seriousness of the problem once started, is it most likely that it will be irreversible? We often (often) face NP type NP1 is very important in NP2 (necessity, value) (or: NP has great significance) the importance (necessity) of NP lies in (fact).


类型 被广泛(普遍)接受(持有)+一个被广泛接受(普遍)持有的观点(观点、观点、观点、假设)是+NP A/主导(普遍,流行的)想法(见is NP/to DO 这是理所当然的+即(或者:我们经常/经常想当然地认为) 人们(大多数)似乎习惯于这个想法(毫无疑问,人们愿意把NP1看作NP2/ADJ 人们愿意做,虽然不愿意做第二种类型,但是这种想法(看是否不完全是形容词,需要仔细考虑 形容词=不合理,不可接受,不恰当,不恰当,不可取, 等 形容词2=误导,怀疑,等等 事实上,这(它)不是(完全,必然)的情况,必要时)需要考虑的情况和需要scussedor:进一步考虑/讨论)类型 原因有几个方面, 原因是+从句+下划线] 除此之外,还有几个显著的原因 除此之外,另一方面,另一方面,为了一件事对另一件事,首先,简言之,例如,例如(一般术语)如(具体术语)典型的(引人注目的)例子是,然而,相反地,如果,条件是,除非,只要等,只要,就目前的情况而言,就NP类型而言,尽管付出了很大的努力已经取得了进展,情况远不能令人满意(或:问题仍未解决,改善甚微) 正如最近的研究(调查)所指出的(显示,揭示,表示人们越来越担心+NP,这将不可避免地(可能)导致(导致)不必要的(严重)后果(或NP);不幸的是,我们无法承担忽视问题严重性的风险 一旦启动,最有可能是不可逆的吗?我们经常(经常)面对NP 类型 NP1在NP2中非常重要(必要性、价值)(或:NP具有巨大的意义) NP的重要性(必要性)在于(事实上)。

