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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-19 09:31:21 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”report“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:report。以下是关于report的八年级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。




Mr. Li Mr. Li that day Mr.

Li asked me to give a report in class. I was very nervous about my report. Mr.

Li told me not to worry. He gave me some good suggestions. My friends encouraged me to become confident in myself.

I wrote a report to tell the whole class about my strength and ability. My classmates were very surprised to see how confident I was. From then on, I thought if you put your heart into it Do, there is no difficulty in the world.




Mr. Smith teaches English in a school. At the beginning of the class, he likes to ask one of his students to give a report on any subject when it is Jack's turn.

He tells the audience that his brother is a local worker, but during the lecture, his eyes are always fixed on the world map on the wall. Mr. Smith knows that Jack is not looking in the audience because he is very nervous He jokingly said to Jack, "we can see that you miss your brother very much, but is he in South America now?" Exercise: he would like to miss very much in his report in his report.

In his report, he would like to miss in his report in his report. He would miss very much in his report in his report. In his report, he would miss very much in his report in his report.

In his report, he would miss very much in his report in his report. In his report, he would miss very much in his report in his report.Jack didn't look at the map of the world because he was an English speaker.


史密斯先生在一所学校教英语,刚开始上课的时候,他喜欢让他的一个学生在轮到杰克的时候做一个关于任何主题的报告,他告诉听众他的哥哥是当地工人,但在报告期间,他的眼睛一直盯着墙上的世界地图,史密斯先生知道杰克没有看在观众席上,因为他很紧张,他开玩笑地对杰克说:“我们可以看到你非常想念你的哥哥,但他现在在南美吗?”;备注:主题n 观众n 开玩笑地建议 练习: 他很想念在他的报告中,杰克没有看世界地图,因为他是一个英语②报告③当地④观众⑤紧张。


We decided to withdraw the previous valuation, our report was updated to include US dollars for the new equipment, and we have updated our report to include the US dollar for the new equipment (we, the report, he decided not to audit the last ten contracts because we had a previous objection to compliance: the landlord questioned the tenant's intention to lease, and the de facto owner whose contract was altered Question the tenant's intention to lease and the ink amendment to the contract that the authorized person must show. They have security permission.


