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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-27 11:09:25 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”信息“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:information。以下是关于信息的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。




The value of knowledge in the information age, the public's understanding of the value of knowledge plays an important role in a country's economic growth. The diagram clearly shows the evolution of the value of knowledge in China in the past few years. The sketch map is mainly composed of three parts.

The curve from to is a straight line slightly higher than zero, which shows that China is a country with a low level of education, and then drops sharply below zero on the curve. In the next few years, this period did not conspire with the "Cultural Revolution". At that time, our society was crazy, books were burned, schools were closed, and all kinds of academic activities were carried out When movement is forbidden, knowledge will only cause harm to its owners.

Life is a nightmare for Chinese intellectuals, including famous scholars and ordinary people who have received higher education or have any relationship with knowledge. In this period, ignorance is a virtue, knowledge is a crime, so people try to stay away from knowledge. China is far behind the fast developing world.

This is the history of new China The curve of the darkest period has returned to its original non-zero position, and has risen slowly since then. The open policy encourages people to learn and transfer knowledge to the market economy. Millions of Chinese people live better and better with their own knowledge.

More and more Chinese enjoy the fruits of knowledge and bid farewell to the poor information age that has plagued them generation after generation Knowledge is power and creativity is everything. Only when China becomes a country with higher education level can China become a big country with international prestige.




In the past, people always read the news in newspapers, but now there are many people searching for information on the Internet. I have a good impression that the information on the Internet is very convenient and extensive. People only need to open the computer to search for information on the Internet.

The range of information on the Internet is very wide. It contains information in all fields. It knows everything.

In addition, it almost knows everything All the Internet information is free. People don't have to pay for it. Unlike newspapers, Internet information has many advantages.




The way to overcome the information explosion is like a famous saying: the abundance of information leads to the lack of attention. Now we are in the information age, some people have been complaining that the information explosion will distract attention. It is true that the new information age has brought us a lot of convenience, and we are allowed to obtain enough information.

However, when we sit in front of the computer, we will be confused, annoyed and upset by the huge amount of information. For example, when people search on the Internet, people are easily confused by irrelevant information and forget the original plan. Some information is often useless, but actually advertising.

Therefore, searching for information on the Internet is time-consuming and troublesome. To avoid being distracted by irrelevant information, I have some useful tips: first, list what you really want before you search. This will help you to reject some attractive but irrelevant information.

Secondly, find some trustworthy professional sources or websites, and then save and classify them. In this case, you can easily leave some advertits and useless information:.




