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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-27 20:48:05 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”生活中互相帮助的开头“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:The beginning of helping each other in life。以下是关于生活中互相帮助的开头的初三英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

关于”生活中互相帮助的开头“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:The beginning of helping each other in life。以下是关于生活中互相帮助的开头的初三英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

关于”生活中互相帮助的开头“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:The beginning of helping each other in life。以下是关于生活中互相帮助的开头的初三英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The beginning of helping each other in life

We live in a society where people help each other in many ways, which is not only good for people, but also good for our society. Help each other to do good for people in different ways. On the other hand, if our society does not have the help of others, no one can survive or live a better life.

Helping each other can help our society progress. Human labor is a good example. Last but not least, helping each other is good for people and the society they live in.

If we help each other, the world will become better and better fine.




Easter Sunday is a cloudy day, but it is a holiday day for the children in the local orphanage. Starting in the morning, a fire engine honked its horn and began to look for Easter eggs. Boys and girls, ranging in age from to, yelled in the park, walked around and often knocked down a little girl, Amanda, whose horn sounded less than a minute.

She found her first egg instead of putting it in the basket and continued to look for more eggs. She sat down and spent a few minutes checking, unpacking and eating piece by piece. After eating, she put the wrapping paper in the basket and wiped her hands on her white skirt.

He went to look for another egg. Meanwhile, Jeff, one of the big boys, filled the basket with water. He asked a fireman to hold it for him.

When he found some candy eggs, he ran to ask for more candy eggs. He put them in the basket of the nearest child, The two children saw a candy egg at the same time. They both bent down to pick it up and hit their heads.

They both sat down and cried. A couple of volunteer nurses picked them up and told them everything would be OK in the morning. Most of the children were studying their candy, exchanging candy with others, or eating candy, but the horn of the fire engine rang again, and three-year-old Jennie cried.

A firefighter called everyone together with a loudspeaker because a special guest came. When everyone was settled down, the Easter Bunny climbed down from the fire truck. The rabbit was six tall.

Most of the children ran towards him with cheers. Even Jennie stopped crying. She watched the little rabbit for a moment.

The children ran to the rabbit. Then she cried even more. The Easter Bunny hugged the children.

They hugged him. Then the Easter Bunny sat on the steps of the fire engine. The children came up one by one and sat on his lap They took pictures of them.

Later, older children were allowed to explore the fire truck itself, and the celebration ended in the afternoon. When the orphans climbed onto the bus and went home, most of them said they had a good time. Sarah, six, asked if we could do this every Sunday.

More than one boy asked, can I drive a fire truck.






Dear Ling Feng, you have been very friendly and helpful since we met. I would like to thank you for your help at the end of middle school education. I will never forget that last semester, I had a bad cold and had to stay at home for a week.

At that time, I was worried about my homework. After school, you came to my house. With your help, every lesson helped me.

Since then, I have not lagged behind others. We have become very close friends. Thank you again I will keep in touch with you even though we may go to different schools.

I wish you success in the future. Yours, Liu Yan.


