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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-28 04:55:52 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”人们一天的生活“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:People's daily life。以下是关于人们一天的生活的高考英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

关于”人们一天的生活“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:People's daily life。以下是关于人们一天的生活的高考英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

关于”人们一天的生活“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:People's daily life。以下是关于人们一天的生活的高考英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:People's daily life

In western countries, there is "Halloween" in October every year. The dictionary explains "Halloween" in Chinese, which is a traditional festival in western countries. This night is the most haunted night in a year, so it is also called "God's Day"; more than 2000 years ago, the European Roman Catholic Church designated November as "the Japanese believer in heaven"( "Sacrament" is the intention of believers.

It is said that Celts (Celts) live in Ireland, Scotland and other places. It has been pushed forward for many years since BC. It is October day.

They think that summer should gradually be the day of the official end, just the beginning of a new year, and the beginning of harsh winter. People believe that the old friends association On this day, the soul returns to the original place to look for the living. On this day, with this regeneration time, it is a unique hope that people can be reborn after death.

However, the living people seize a life to fear the soul of death. So people put out the fire. On this day, the stiff soul can not find the living person.

Later, the soul of the dead dressed as various evil men scared away, They will light the fire in kandera and start a new year.


在西方国家,每年的xx月有“万圣节”,字典对“万圣节前夕”作了解释,中文翻译为:“万圣之夜”万圣节是西方国家传统节日这一夜是xx年中“闹鬼”最多的一个晚上,因此又称“神灵节”; 在两千多年前,欧洲罗马教会将xx月定为“天国的日本信徒”(万圣日“圣礼”是信众的用意,传说凯尔特人(凯尔特人)生活在爱尔兰、苏格兰等地,自公元前多年就将这个节日向前推进了很多年,正是xx月的一天,他们认为夏天应该逐渐是正式结束的日子,只是新的xx年的开始,严酷的冬天开始的一天‰人们相信老友会的灵魂回到故居原野寻找活人,就在这一天借这个再生时间,这是人独特的希望能够在死后获得重生,而活着的人却抓住一个生命来恐惧死亡的灵魂,于是人们扑灭了火,烛台就在这一天,让僵硬的灵魂没有办法寻找活人,后来把死人装扮成各种恶人的灵魂吓跑了,他们又会坎德拉点燃火种,开始新的xx年的生活。


In the past, the Internet has made great changes in our lives. People can watch sports programs on TV, but now we can watch the Internet with computers. We don't have to miss a program we want to watch.

We regret that the Internet has changed the distance between people. We can use the Internet to do good things.




My daily life is extremely monotonous, and I try to adapt myself to it. Why? Because I want to be a good student. I want to serve my country.

I get up at six every day. After I wash my face and brush my teeth, I begin to review my lessons. I go home after school at seven o'clock.

We usually go at seven o'clock. Then I start to do my homework. I want to finish my daily life before I go to bed.

I get up at six every day and I get dressed quickly I go to school. I have four cl in the morning and three in the afternoon. I study hard and always help my classmates in class.

I have lunch. School is after school. I read newspapers or watch TV for half an hour.

I prepare my homework between 7:30 and 9:00. I go to bed above 9:00. This is a brief description of my daily life on weekdays.

I usually go back in the morning when I don't go to school on Sundays I study my lessons, visit some friends or go to the movies in the afternoon. Although my daily life is very monotonous, I try to adapt myself to it. Why? Because I want to be a good student.

I want to serve my country. I get up at six every day. After washing my face and brushing my teeth, I begin to review my lessons.

I go home after school at seven o'clock. We usually have dinner at seven o'clock. Then I start Do my homework.

I want to finish it before I go to bed.


