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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-28 08:07:10 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”玛丽的房间“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Mary's room。以下是关于玛丽的房间的小学英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

关于”玛丽的房间“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Mary's room。以下是关于玛丽的房间的小学英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

关于”玛丽的房间“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Mary's room。以下是关于玛丽的房间的小学英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Mary's room

Viena imperial city has been an imperial capital of Europe for hundreds of years. It is the location of the powerful Habsburg empire. The influence of Habsburg empire is all over the world.

Its rulers raided the western world in order to enrich the imperial treasury. They spent their wealth on grand palaces and magnificent public buildings, they built an opera house, which is incomparable to any other. In Europe, they built great museums and libraries, they built magnificent government buildings, and built luxurious palaces for themselves.

The Vienna tour is a tour of these monuments, with the aim of visiting the Lord's palace, for example, the summer palace of the Habsburg monarch, which was built from to the fall of the dynasty in, by Maria Theresa in This is Maria Theresa's private salon Gallery, modeled after a room in Versailles near Paris, with ceiling mounted feet Decorated with huge murals, it shows the strength of the Austrian army. Huge crystal chandeliers are reflected on the mirror walls and decorated with gold foil. Other rooms are decorated with Chinese lacquer panels, gilded works, gorgeous wood carvings and large murals.



维也纳之旅是对这些纪念碑的一次游览,目的是参观勋爵勋爵宫,例如,它是哈布斯堡君主的颐和园,从年开始修建到王朝垮台,在年由玛丽亚·(Maria Theresa)扩建,至今仍保留了数百万个房间,以装饰费用命名的百万盾是一件洛可可杰作,镶嵌在镶板上是印度波斯遗产的稀有微缩模型框架是真正的金箔,镶板是珍贵的木材这是玛丽亚·特雷莎的私人沙龙大画廊仿照巴黎附近凡尔赛宫的一个房间,脚部天花板上装饰着巨大的壁画,展示着奥地利的力量。巨大的水晶吊灯反射在镜子的墙上,装饰着金箔,其他房间装饰着中国漆面板、镀金作品、华丽的木雕和大型壁画。


April dear Jane, just now when you were in the library, I called you. Peter James, the assistant of computer center, said that someone had handed in your electronic dictionary and told you to take your ID card with you in your room tomorrow.




Today is Mary's birthday. Early in the morning, she put on the pink skirt that her mother bought for her as a birthday present. She looks very beautiful.

In the afternoon, her friends came to give her best wishes. Mary and her friends played a lot of games. They sang, danced and joked with each other.

It's a good time for Mary.


