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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-28 13:15:48 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”自己的挑战的开头“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:The beginning of your own challenge。以下是关于自己的挑战的开头的初二英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

关于”自己的挑战的开头“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:The beginning of your own challenge。以下是关于自己的挑战的开头的初二英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

关于”自己的挑战的开头“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:The beginning of your own challenge。以下是关于自己的挑战的开头的初二英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The beginning of your own challenge

(Qiang Wen: when I was in sixth grade, some friends and I were playing hide and seek in Zhongshan Park. One day, olahid and I went into an abandoned hut behind the parking lot. He just didn't see the wire in the corner.

Suddenly he got an electric shock. I didn't have much time to think about it. But I knew that I couldn't save him with my hands.

Fortunately, he had a wooden broom beside him and pulled the wire I called ultra's parents, Hank God. He was saved and became my best friend. We lived a happy life.




The most challenging sport I've ever played is surfing, which is full of self challenge and exercise. I started learning to surf when my coach taught me how to control a surfboard at sea. When I jumped into the big wave, my whole body muscles were tense and tense.

Blood poured into my heart, which made me feel nervous and excited. It was really happy that many people enjoyed the challenge of surfing. Although they had experienced many failures, when they were flooded by the tide or thrown into the sky, they did not give up, because they believed that success was after failure, and I got a lot of practice The courage of surfers is good for our health, and it can cultivate our courage in the face of danger and difficulty.

I think it is a brave sport.




Keeping fit is always at the bottom of your list. I know a lot of people complain that they don't have enough time to exercise. I think they're lying to themselves.

The real problem is that they hate exercise, so it's never a priority. I used to hate exercise. Going to the gym, running and most forms of physical activity seem to compare to most other ways I can kill time Boring and painful, but I didn't give up, looking for a way I could enjoy exercise.

I changed this pattern. I exercised several times a week, and I hated not being able to exercise. Here are some tips for exercise what you really want to do: make it a habit, get rid of thinking, and if you can make exercise a habit, it's much easier.

If you don't know where to start, a couple of tips for keeping your habits together, get other people to go to the gym with you and pick a person who is committed to health. Not only can you socialize there, but you'll have backup in case your motivation isn't enough to drag you down and adjust your challenge level. Here are two bad ways to start exercising, go out and run until your wind blows Blowing grass and drying up to the ditch, appearing in the gym, walking around, not doing anything strenuous, going home, in one case, you raise the level of challenge, the other is not challenging at all.

Your goal is to develop a challenging daily exercise program, but it's not overwhelming challenges that are the key to enjoying.


保持身材总是被列在你清单的最下面我知道很多人抱怨没有足够的时间锻炼我认为他们在骗自己真正的问题是他们讨厌锻炼,所以这永远不会是优先考虑的事情我以前也讨厌锻炼去健身房,跑步和大多数形式的体育活动与其他大多数我可以消磨时间的方式相比显得乏味和痛苦,但是我不放弃,寻找一种我可以享受锻炼的方式,我改变了这个模式,我每周锻炼几次,我讨厌不能去锻炼。这里有一些让锻炼成为你真正想做的事情的小贴士: 让它成为一种习惯去掉思考的因素如果你能让锻炼成为一种习惯,那么它就变得容易多了。如果你不知道从哪里开始,一些关于保持习惯的小贴士搭档让其他人和你一起去健身房挑选一个致力于健康的人不仅可以在那里与人交往,但你会有后援,以防你的动机不足以拖累你自己,调整你的挑战水平这里有两个不好的方法开始锻炼,出去跑步,直到你的风吹草动和干涸到水沟出现在健身房,四处走动,不要做任何费力的事,回家,在一个情况下,你把挑战水平提高了,另一个根本不具挑战性你的目标是制定一个有挑战性的日常锻炼计划,但不是压倒性的挑战才是享受的关键。
