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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-28 19:54:37 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”赞扬骑士队“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Praise the Cavaliers。以下是关于赞扬骑士队的高三英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

关于”赞扬骑士队“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Praise the Cavaliers。以下是关于赞扬骑士队的高三英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

关于”赞扬骑士队“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Praise the Cavaliers。以下是关于赞扬骑士队的高三英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Praise the Cavaliers

LeBron James -- nbast Vincent St Mary hsnbanbauskar Robertson Michael Jordan Ba LeBron Raymone James (born in December) is an American professional basketball player who currently plays for the Cleveland Cavaliers of the National Basketball Association, nicknamed "King James" and "the chosen one". Akron hoburn James was highly promoted. He was regarded as the future NBA star by the national media in high school, and was named "Mr.

basketball" of Ohio three times Before his first time in the NBA draft, he was selected by the Cavaliers as the number one pick in the NBA draft. James signed an unprecedented contract worth one million dollars with Nike. He created numerous records of the youngest player in his first season.

He won the NBA rookie of the year award and won all NBA and all star honors in the following three seasons. He led the Cavaliers in the season James was listed as a small forward, but he could also play point guard and shooting guard. His versatility led to his unofficial classification as "scoring forward".

James was once a member of the U.S. National Men's basketball team and played in Athens Olympic Games in Greece Bronze at the games, he was second in the league's most valuable player vote.


勒布朗·詹姆斯——NBASt VincentSt Mary Hsnbanbauscar RobertsonMicheal Jordanba LeBron Raymone James(xx月出生)是美国职业篮球运动员,目前效力于美国国家篮球协会克利夫兰骑士队,绰号“国王詹姆斯”和“被选中的一个”,阿克伦·霍伯恩·詹姆斯得到了高度提升他在高中时就被全国媒体视为未来的NBA明星,并三次被评为俄亥俄州的“篮球先生”,在他第一次参加NBA选秀之前,他被骑士队选为NBA选秀第一名,詹姆斯与耐克签下了一份价值百万美元的史无前例的合同,他在第一个赛季创造了无数最年轻球员的记录,他获得了NBA年度最佳新秀奖,并在随后的三个赛季中获得了全NBA和全明星的荣誉,他带领骑士队在季后赛中后来居上,并在后xx年球队晋级此后首次闯入总决赛,也是克利夫兰历史上第一次进入NBA总决赛,詹姆斯被列为小前锋,但也能打控球后卫和投篮后卫这种多才多艺导致他被非官方归类为“得分前锋”詹姆斯曾是美国国家男子篮球队的一员,曾在希腊雅典奥运会上获得铜牌,他在年联盟最有价值球员投票中名列第二。


LeBron Raymond James (born in December, an American professional basketball player, currently plays for the Cleveland Cavaliers of the National Basketball Association, nicknamed "King James" and "the chosen one". Akron ohlborn James was highly publicized as a future NBA star by the state media in high school. He was named "basketball man" of Ohio three times, Before he made his first NBA draft, he was chosen by the Cavaliers to be number one in the NBA draft.

James signed an unprecedented multi million dollar contract with Nike. He set a record of countless youngest players in his first season. He won the NBA rookie of the year award in his first season, and won the NBA rookie of the year award in the first season.

In the next three seasons, he led the Cavaliers to catch up in the playoffs and lead them to the first place in the following year This is the first time Cleveland has entered the NBA Finals for the first time in Cleveland history. James is listed as a small forward, but he can also play point guard and shooting guard. His versatility has led to his unofficial designation as "scoring forward".

James was a member of the U.S. National Men's basketball team and won a bronze medal in the Athens Olympic Games in Greece. He won a bronze medal in LeBron James nbast's basketball team Second in the league's most valuable player vote, Vincent Mary simbanbas, carolson, Michelle Jordan NABAR.




LeBron Raymond James is an American professional basketball player, currently playing for the Cleveland Cavaliers of the National Basketball Association, nicknamed "King James" and "the chosen one". Akron O'Brien James was highly publicized as the future NBA star by the national media in high school, and was named "Mr" Basketball "of Ohio when he was old He was chosen three times by the Cavaliers as the first pick in the NBA draft. Before his first NBA game, James signed an unprecedented million dollar contract with Nike.

He made countless records for the youngest player in his first season. He won rookie of the year award, and won all league and all star honors in the next three seasons. He led the Cavaliers to play in the playoffs, the next one James, a member of the U.S.

National Men's basketball team, won a bronze medal at the Athens Olympic Games in Greece. He was named "League's most valuable player" by his versatility, which led him to be unofficially classified as "scoring forward" LeBron James Vincent Mary simbanbao Karl Robertson Mitchell Jordan won the second place in the NBA.


