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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-29 00:24:22 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”邻里关系“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Neighborhood relations。以下是关于邻里关系的雅思英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

关于”邻里关系“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Neighborhood relations。以下是关于邻里关系的雅思英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

关于”邻里关系“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Neighborhood relations。以下是关于邻里关系的雅思英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Neighborhood relations

More and more people don't know their neighbors and they don't have a sense of community anymore. What do you think is the reason for this? Dear James, can you suggest some solutions? More and more people, especially young people with jobs, don't feel the need to know their neighbors first. Most young people tend to be self-centered and distrust the people who live near them.

It may also be that the working people do not have the money to spend time chatting about the weather, dogs and newborn babies. As the traditional neighbors are used to, the lack of communication may become a dangerous thing, It is important to consider that there is a friendly neighbor reporting suspicious activity to the police dealing with the fraud. A good way to solve this problem is to encourage neighbors to partite in a citizen neighborhood watch program, which aims to make it more difficult for bandits to continue to commit crimes in the neighborhood, so that people in the same community can get to know each other and prevent intruders; on the other hand, due to the modern housing programs in large cities, the interaction between neighbors becomes less frequent, for example, in high-rise buildings In departmental units, families do not seem to be caged like animals or separated by a two meter high fence.

Neighbors seem to be so close at once, but so far away. As a result, the level of private communication between neighbors is declining. This situation may also be related to the current rising crime wave.

It is reported that this situation is most likely to be our neighbors What we need to do is to know the people next door and look at each other's back. People don't have to leave where they live in order to avoid crimes in the neighborhood. They have to have a sense of community by caring about their neighbors.

Since geography makes people neighbors for a reason, people should love their neighbors, but the question remains: do they know their neighbors? Your friend Mike.




The fire in hilborough four years ago destroyed 30 houses, most of which were rebuilt when the contractor rebuilt the houses. Nature is replanting grass, shrubs and shrubs. Now the area is covered with shrubs, which once again constitutes a major fire accident.

The City Council asked the bidders to remove the bushes, and the lowest bid they received was US dollars, If the city provides breakfast and lunch for staff within six weeks, y areas need to be cleaned up, and the city council will provide an unlimited amount of coffee (black coffee only) and a doughnut for each worker. The city government asked for help on its website, a shepherd in Montana and a shepherd in San Bernardino People read about the plight of the city when they surf the Internet on their laptops, and they are willing to do the work in dollars. The city council chose the shepherd, because when he learned that the city dump was full of people, he lived closer.

No problem. My goat will eat everything in your dump, except the car engine. Of course, for another dollar, the city will kill two birds with one stone.

If all goes well, they invite the shepherd and his family back every three years. The Shepherd said he might go to San Diego and his goat was in the garbage. I want to take one.

I just hope we don't crash.





This painting tells the story of a neighborhood. Two women living opposite have lived here for five years, but I have never met you. Can I ask your name? The other answer is Li Huaying.

I have moved here for three years. What should I call you? It seems ridiculous that people who live in the opposite door do not know each other for such a long time. With the improvement of living standards, this kind of story is often heard in many parts of the city.

Many people move into modern buildings. They tend to stay at home and enjoy modern life. They seldom go out after going home after work.

They have little contact with their neighbors and don't care about what happens nearby. This kind of phenomenon really perplexes the development of the society and has greatly changed our life in many aspects, but the relationship between people is not as close as before. Good neighborhood relationship is of great significance to the harmony between people and the stability of society.

People need mutual trust, understanding and help, vigorously promote the golden neighborhood relationship, strengthen the mutual relationship between people, organize people living in the same community to carry out some social activities, so that they can better understand each other's words.).



