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老人与海的英语读后感_After reading the old man and the sea 3篇

推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-30 11:30:18 阅读: 次

老人与海的英语读后感_After reading the old man and the sea 3篇

前言: 关于”老人与海的读后感“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:After reading the old man and the sea。以下是关于老人与海的读后感的考研英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

关于”老人与海的读后感“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:After reading the old man and the sea。以下是关于老人与海的读后感的考研英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:After reading the old man and the sea

"The old man and the sea" tells the old fisherman's frustrated experience of fishing in the process of profound theme. It is a song that praises heroism, but man is not born for failure. This is a classic proverb.

When Hemingway later talks about the factors of success, the old man is also the most typical and representative character among Hemingway's hardliners. The little boy and old Mante are the same From the details, this paper is divided into two main parts to explore the indispensable role of the little boy in the novel, which is the theme that he helps to show elegance under pressure: in the daytime, the old man takes the little boy fishing, but there is no fish. When his situation deteriorates step by step, it is a great pressure for the little boys to leave, which is extremely severe and heavy Heavy pressure, when the old man faced with later failure and his optimism, his attitude is elegant, generous life attitude worthy of careful taste, it is he who plays a leading, encouraging readers, increasing the appeal of the work, enriching the content of the work: Although the little boy only appears at the beginning and end of the novel, there is nothing in his inner world except the old man Under the pressure of emotion, the old man and the old man gradually affect the feelings of the old man and the old man.




Like most great stories, it can be read at many levels. It's an exciting but tragic adventure story. It's a tragic adventure story supported by his professional pride.

It's his only pride. A broken old fisherman ventured to the Gulf Stream far away, where he caught the largest Marlin he had ever seen in those waters. He struggled to catch that one, lonely and exhausted Giant fish, he was forced to fight a losing battle with the predatory sharks.

On the other hand, it is a parable with religious significance, whose theme is supported by the author's low-key treatment of Christian symbols and metaphors, such as Coleridge's Ancient Mariner, Hemingway's Cuban fisherman A character whose creator's imagination works in two different worlds of meaning and value, one is real and dramatic, the other is a symbol of morality and piety.




"The old man and the sea" is one of Hemingway's most enduring works. It is likely to become one of the real classic works of this generation, which played a great role in winning the Pulitzer Prize and the novel literature award in, and also confirmed his power and existence in the literary world. Besides the old writer, Hemingway is also one of my favorite writers, man and sea.

I have read one of his works Some other works, such as "the sun also rises", "farewell to arms" and "the snow of Kilimanjaro", but what impresses me most is "the old man and the sea". This novel mainly describes an old man who catches a big fish in a sea fish by himself, binds the fish head and upper body to the boat, but encounters a shark. The old man uses all his strength to fight against the shark fish, and the shark fish can eat it The truth of this book, which weighs about a pound after eating fish, does not tell people how to ignore it.

What I fear most is the lack of confidence. Confidence is like the engine of a car. It is the driving force for people to move forward.

I first read this book when I was 15 years old. Now I remember reading it just like I did yesterday.



本文标题:老人与海的英语读后感_After reading the old man and the sea 3篇