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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-18 21:45:47 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”唐诗介绍“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Introduction to Tang Poetry。以下是关于唐诗介绍的专升本英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

关于”唐诗介绍“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Introduction to Tang Poetry。以下是关于唐诗介绍的专升本英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Introduction to Tang Poetry


Tang poems are a precious heritage of Chinese culture and are known as the "golden age of poetry." They mainly focus on themes such as nature love friendship and philosophy such as Li Bai's "Taking Leave of Cambridge Again" Du Fu's "Spring Views" and Bai Juyi's "Farewell to the Ancient Grassland." They represent the pinnacle of Tang poetry.


Tang poems are beautiful and moving with concise language yet profound artistic conception. They surpass the limitations of their time and have created an indelible cultural value. Whether in China or in the world Tang poetry is an indispensable cultural treasure.


When I met my friend Feng Zhu Wei Yingwu came out of the east to see me. I asked you why you came here. You said, "buy an axe and cut firewood on the mountain".

Hiding in the haze of flowers, the young swallows chirped leisurely when we separated. A year ago, our temples became so gray.


在京城遇见我的朋友冯朱 魏应武…出东边你来看我,…我问你来这里是为了什么 你说:“在山上买斧子砍柴”‰藏在花丛的阴霾中,‰燕子雏鸟在我们分开时悠然地唧唧,xx年前,我们的太阳穴变得多么灰暗。


To Wang LiuNian on the boat, when someone is trampling and singing on the s, the peach blossom pool is a thousand feet deep, but it is not as deep as your love for me. "To Wang Lun" was written by Li Bai. One day, Li Bai stood out in the joyful hall.

Li Bai went abroad. He was about to set sail. Someone was stamping his feet and singing on the bank.

Wang Lun came to see him off. He was Li Bai's best friend. Li Bai was very excited to meet his best friend at this parting moment.

But he was very sad. He could not say a simple word. He knew that although peach blossom was a peach blossom They are in full bloom, but words can't express their friendship.

The pool is a thousand feet deep. It can't compare with Wang Lun's love for him. I love this poem because it makes me realize that friendship is precious and we need real friendship.

I hope everyone can find true friends.



