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推荐人:admim 时间: 2023-09-19 06:32:43 阅读: 次


前言: 关于”城市化面对的挑战“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Challenges of Urbanization。以下是关于城市化面对的挑战的四级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

关于”城市化面对的挑战“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Challenges of Urbanization。以下是关于城市化面对的挑战的四级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

关于”城市化面对的挑战“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Challenges of Urbanization。以下是关于城市化面对的挑战的四级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Challenges of Urbanization

Today, China is in the process of ization. People are chasing life, and rural lifestyle is changing with ization. Some people living in rural areas think that they should change their lifestyle, and they should give up it to keep up with the pace of ization.

On the one hand, we should keep our traditional lifestyle, and the younger generation should receive higher education, They believe in science and believe that all traditional rural life styles should be abandoned. For example, Shao Xiang's pursuit of modern life has no contradiction with it. The old life style can be combined together to keep the good side and discard the negative side, just like ancestor worship.

On the other hand, retaining the rural lifestyle helps people find a sense of belonging Because most of the younger generation work in cities, they have been away from their hometown for a long time. What's more, they have no sense of belonging to the city. The rural lifestyle will allow them to find their own existence and not lose themselves.

Of course, the rural lifestyle needs to be preserved. It represents the tradition. How can we discard it at the same time? We need to remove the bad side.




Success is a choice. Each of us should be ready to meet the predictable challenges and setbacks that will appear every day. If we expect life to be imperfect, we can avoid a force that forces us to give up.

But even if you are strong enough to stick to the obstacles in life and work, sometimes you will encounter something that will hurt you and it will hit you completely, Whether it's a financial loss, a loss of respect from your peers or loved ones, or some other traumatic event in your life, these major setbacks can make you doubt yourself and wonder if things can get better again. It's happening all the time, and some form of major adversity is coming, or waiting in front of you, ignoring it Succumb to the ultimate delusion of self, but you have to realize that history is full of examples of men and women who, despite the difficulties they face, can easily do so, shattering their souls and laying them in the dust. Moses was a shelter from the wind and rain, but he was called to be the spokesman of God.

Abraham Lincoln overcame his childhood difficulties Difficulties, the death of two sons, during the civil war, people kept laughing at Helen Keller as the greatest president we have ever had. Although she was deaf, dumb and blind since childhood, she had an impact on the world. There are countless examples, people not only face up to the adversity, but also learn valuable experience and lessons to overcome difficulties, and can continue to move forward.




Today, with the acceleration of ization, experts predict that although many slum areas can not even provide a healthy environment, such as drinking water and sanitation facilities, the statistics of population will increase to. Compared with rural areas, the scale of ization in developing countries is unprecedented, and the infrastructure and services in areas are quite good, which leads to A large number of rural population migrate to cities. In the past few years, a considerable proportion of the population has migrated from rural areas to cities in order to seek better job opportunities and living standards.

Many cities have become the largest megacities among millions of people. Statistics from London, Shanghai, Tokyo and other places show that the world's population lives in mega cities, which causes traffic congestion And environmental pollution.



